Is He Violent?

by Vasiliy Demchenko on Nov.22, 2009, under

     At his core, Jack is not inherently violent, but is definitely not afraid of using violent methods. His ultimate goal is to protect his country and the people in it, and if that requires violence, then so be it. Jack is often seen being two types of violent, one being the typical "run-and-gun" intense action sequence kind of violence, while the other is torture, being up close to his enemies so he can pry information out of them for the good of the United States. His methods are not by the book, and even though they are often looked down upon, they get the job done.

*Jack Bauer doing work.
     Several countries, including Germany and Switzerland, have criticized 24 for its open support of torture and excessive violence.
     In 2006, 24: The Game was released to the public. This allowed gamers to step into the role of Jack Bauer and save the United States from terrorist plots. This game let players use violent methods to take down the
terrorists, and also lets them interrogate foes in whatever manner they see fit. The game was given a "M" rating due to the excessive violence that was depicted.

Want to be like Jack Bauer and shoot some terrorists?  Of course you do.  Check out this link to play the ultimate 24 game.

Jack Bauer Kicks Ass!

* 24-120809-0002. Digital image. 24 Pictures & Photos. Fox Broadcasting Company. Web. <>.

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