Can You Break Down an Episode?

by Vasiliy Demchenko on Nov.22, 2009, under

In Season 8, one episode takes place from 6:00 AM to 8:00 A.M. In the short time-span in which the episode takes place, Jack finds himself betrayed by a mole inside the CTU, and then sent on a daring rescue mission to save the leader of an Islamic group in peace talks with the United States from Russian extremists.  In one scene, Jack can be seen throttling the traitorous agent and holding a gun to her head, demanding information about the whereabouts of the Islamic leader.  A few moments later, Bauer is seen leading a strike team against the leader's captors, where he singlehandedly kills all of them.  But unfortunately, he arrives too late to find that the leader has already been brutally murdered.  This leads to more complications in the plot of the season, and keeps Jack on the trail of those who would seek to harm the United States. In what takes place in an hour of a day, Jack Bauer sees more death than most people see in a lifetime.  He uses his unconventional methods to obtain the information he needs, and uses lethal force to protect all that he can. 

The violence in just one episode of 24 can be seen in nearly every single episode across all 8 seasons.  Viewers have become accustomed to seeing Bauer kick ass and take names all of the time, and would surely be disappointed to see him take a more passive approach to his methods.  Without the violence, 24 would just be a show that had a lot of boring shouting. The violence holds the show together, and gives it a better sense of feeling as well.                         * Jack Bauer in his usual pose.

To view this exhilarating 2 hour episode of 24, click on the following link:
Jack Bauer Strikes Again!

* News-24. Digital image. Robert Carlyle Set for Role in Feature-length 24: Exile Film. Fox Broadcasting Company. Web. <>.

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